Social Welfare certificates are provided for the Dept of Social Protection to claim Illness Benefit, you can check your eligibility for benefit from the Dept of Social Protection.
The procedures and forms for claiming have changed recently. You should check the Social Protection website for details.
Detailed information is available from the Citizens Information Service about Sick leave or Illness benefit.
The requirements for Notes for work are set by your employer: some employers only require them for longer term absences, others will require them for shorter periods. Some employers request weekly certificates, and some require a statement that you are fit to resume work before they will allow you return.
We suggest that you check your employer's requirements in order to avoid misunderstandings, or putting yourself to unnecessary trouble or expense. We will issue a sick note for a longer period where appropriate (eg for a condition that will require weeks to recover) if you inform us that this is acceptable to your employer.
While social welfare certificates require an indication of the reason for work absence, employers vary in their requirements for these details. Usual practice and expectation is that some general information is given on the certificate but if this is not appropriate or required please inform us. You should also consider and understand how your personal information will be handled in the workplace and by whom.
Other leave: Details of other leave entitlements such as Parental leave, Carers Leave and Force Majeure leave is available here on the Citizens Information website.